Nov 27, 2007 12:49
ughhh. this is the longest maintenance ever.
i'm listening to some good music.
it's very not like the stuff i would usually listen to. it's very uppity. i'm not sure that's a word. but it is to me.
saturday paul came over and invited us over for drinks. we couldn't say no.
sorry we're too busy playing WoW and watching red vs blue
it turned out to be a great night. we sat outside next to their firepit thingy and got plastered. we ran out of wood fast. so we proceded to tear perfectly good branches off the neighboring tree. turns out wood that's still alive doesn't burn well. but while we were out buying more beer we drove by a tree that fell over and shoved a couple of it's branches in the trunk of the car. after all that hard work it started raining. so we went inside and TRIED to play star wars epic duels. but chris was so drunk he couldn't read his cards, and shortly passed out. new neighbor paul#2 has never played so it took a long time for belle to explain the rules because she was wasted. kat wasn't having a good time because she got her tounge peirced and couldn't drink. paul was irritated because me and belle we too drunk to pay attention. i died first. it was such a great night. i LOVE the bennetts/zylstras when we're drunk. i even got along with kat because we talked about WoW. even though she insulted my class choice. and their new neighbor is really cool. he's not a nerd at all. he lived in japan for two years... he didn't know what the tokyo game show was.
only one more hour...
we got 20 pounds of free hamburgers yesterday. the colonel's mother was tricked into buying 200 dollars of meat by a door to door salesman. so he brought chris some because everybody feels sorry for us. the burgers are absofuckinglutely delicious. best burgers ever.
i have bad back problems from sitting in a dining chair for too long.
i hate vonage. our phone quality is bullshit. I hate e-mailing professionals.
i'm currently reading petshop of horrors and fables. i'm enjoying them both quite a bit. it's sad that petshop only has 10 volumes. i AM glad that it's uncensored though. mmmhmm. i hate words like "darn" and "heck".
one of our cats barfed on the carpet last night. but it didn't look like normal barf. it was tubular. like poop. gross huh. i hate our cats. i really do.
it was sad not having weeds on last night. but at least heroes was. stupid peter for believing adam. i never figured that hiro and peter would be against eachother. it seriously pisses me off how nobody just talks things out.
dexter is getting really intense as well. at least there are 3 episodes left.. i think, it might be 2. i will be crushed if that asshole somehow gets away and tells lundy. i think i just might tvgasm the moment he finally kills that prick. eeeee.
nip/tuck tonight. i'm not that excited. it's just not as good as the older seasons. it's better than last season though. christian will never be entertaining if he's in love.
i've done too much typing for today.