May 02, 2007 08:53
We got a kitten yesterday. she's really tiny. and the mean shelter already spayed her. which is so wrong. she's 6 weeks old. we're going to call her beast.
i've been super stomach sick for the past few days. i was supposed to start my period already. i'm pretty scared that what i hoped for last month is happening this month. and i really don't want to be pregnant now.
i got hired at the BX. i'm supposed to wait for them to call me today to tell me when to come in. it's really annoying, waiting for a call. what's more annoying is that i've been wearing pajamas for 3 months. i don't have any clothes to wear to work. because i gained weight. it's unfortunate too because i'm basically at the size i was last year, but i threw away all my old clothes cause they got too big. damn. i bought some black slacks. i look like a fool. and if i AM pregnant then i really need to buy more clothes. ugh. i hate wearing normal clothes. well, if i am pregnant then i can buy some overalls. overalls are only cool for blue collar workers and pregnant ladies. ughhh.. i am sick of saying that word. i'm hoping that maybe i just have some weird sickness. and that my period is deciding to be funny this month. it happens.
as for my marriage, it's fine. i'm just.. paranoid. and at least we fight like children and not like grownups. a friend from my old job gave me some advice: never go to bed angry. and we don't. which is good. i love him. and he loves me. so everything is going to be alright.