obligatory holiday post

Dec 26, 2010 01:20

So hey, belated Merry Christmas / Happy Extraordinarily Slow Saturday, everyone. My family's had a good time over the past couple days-went to my dad's Friday where gifts were given, a bar was visited, and olesia decided hanging out in the ear-assaulting bar was not her scene and instead spent that time downloading Hot Chicks for the Sims 2 onto her dad's computer (at his request, oi). And Friday was also the day that my brother and I did all our gift shopping in visiting all of three stores (one store for both the parents, one store where my brother picked out what he wanted me to get him (a dartboard) and one other store where I picked out what I wanted him to get me (999)). The only place that was busy was Gamestop. Everywhere else was like... general friday shopping traffic, it was great.

Saturday! Annual honor of "[So-and-so] has ruined [holiday]" goes to our local coffee shops, all of which were closed why. Gifts were exchanged, grandmothers called, A Christmas Story avoided. I have instead been playing 999 all day and it is great. I will probably talk about it in more detail when I get more endings than 'got ax'd because I suck at grief consoling.'

TOMORROW (SUNDAY) WE ARE GOING TO PORTLAND, OREGON FOR REASONS RELATED TO MY BROTHER so some of you will probably get whiny text messages from me cramped in the back seat with a dartboard and a bag of knives and ham.

End of entry bullet notes mostly dealing with entertainment and nothing of substance BECAUSE I CAN:

*The Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt ending wasn't nearly as 'what the fuck is this' as I was led to believe, and despite the ham-fisted fetch quest tacked to the end, I don't think it needs continuation or follow-up. Top notch trollin though.

*Saw Black Swan. It was good! The writing was weak in places, primarily in the dialog, in that it struggled in making the characters seem like actual humans as opposed to Bearers of Symbolism and Forced Establishment of Character Traits (this is mostly in Nina's Mom and also the one reoccurring dude whose name I never bothered to learn), but other than that I really liked it.

*999 (9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors) is really fun!! I've only put it down to do things like clean and eat today, and I have no idea how many hours I've dropped into this game yet, but it's really enjoyable to me. IT IS, HOWEVER, very very text-heavy so if visual novel games aren't your style, neither will be this. I think the Prince ("Snake") is my favorite.

*Shut up I am excited for 5D's this week.

dicks dicks and more dicks, what are lj-cuts, olesia is a total jackass, songs that suck for $200 alex, things nobody cares about, stop ruining it, when did this tag get here, those people i'm related to, olesia fails to keep normal hours

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