i only use this to rant

May 16, 2009 21:23

what did we do for you to abandon all of us?
fuck you
i hope your plane crashes and you die
you fucking bastard
i dont care if you are my dad
ill never call you father or respect you like i did when i was a kid
you spineless coward how can you treat her like that

why do i take after you
i hope terrible things for you
how could i have ever looked up to someone like you

you treat her worse then i treat i girl ive dated and didnt have the balls to cut it off with (and to you im sorry, all of you i wont name names you all know who you are)
a 24 year marriage should at least have respect for one another but you dont even care a bit

fuck you

i havent talked to you since you told me first to hurt her more when you told her that you told me first

she gave up her first son to make you happy
and this is how you repay her
whatever life gives you i hope its worth it
she did everything for you
for all your christian bullshit you believe in you dont follow it and i hope you rot in you fictional hell for the rest of you life you coward

i swear to be a better man than you ever will be
i swear on my life i will never be like you again


im tired of hearing my mom cry over your pathetic ass

go move back west with your rich brothers
i dont ever want to hear from you again

youll never meet my kids (if i have any) or get an invite to my wedding (if i have one)

shes cries all day over you and all i can think is how bad i want you dead for it

you were never there for us anyways
jeff and i especially

i may come from you but i wont fucking BE you
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