Thoughts in 140 characters
- 09:56 Working a double today... UGH! #
- 09:56 Hopefully I'm won't be too weak or sick/in pain to work it #
- 10:22 Wait.. Today is FRIDAY!! #
- 13:38 I love driving stick shift #
- 14:02 I look and feel fat fat FAT! #
- 15:49 @ heymarijuana I know exactly what you mean! Good hairs are few and far between. #
- 15:51 I love the scene from 'Big' where Tom Hanks dances on the giant floor piano keyboard lol #
- 16:19 Work for 2+ hrs.. Be very jealous #
- 20:00 B/p.. This is so embarrassing :( #
- 20:45 Catherine + Chris + Tasha + Zak + Ian + no-name #
- 22:39 My priority is that I'm my first priority #
- 00:09 Fritos orginal FTW.. Everything else tastes like flavored Buggles. Ewwww #
- 00:11 I hate this mother f##ker.. But I love this 'bella ella ey ya.. Aka Isabella #
- 00:12 I have contaheous anxiety.. Like I catch your vibes. Seriously.. I need a Dr. appt. ASAP #
- 00:35 I am infatuated with the days of my youth.. Like I wish I was still there #
- 00:41 @ VerseTheVillain I'm checking it out now #
- 02:45 The L Word #
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