May 26, 2006 20:35
I think the big tip off was when I came back to tired from moving into my safehouse here. I'm pretty sure Schuldig assumed that the Mother's day gift was just a preemptive bribe for something, but I was gone a pretty long time, and he wouldn't accept that I was practicing. I was practicing, but that wasn't the whole truth.
On the plus side? The discussion was all done with telepathy, so Crawford doesn't seem to know yet. And as "payment for his silence," I only have to do that damn photo manipulation he's been harping on about.
And I have to put up with his comments about how much I like redheads, but at least he only got that I'm seeing Ali, not that I know alternates of a bunch of people from my world.
Bloody pain in the ass telepaths. Is it so bad to want a little privacy?