So. I'm sitting at work. I have two days left till the end of the semester; nine left before I graduate and am done with undergraduate work. forever.
I really should be doing work; I have two papers due on Friday, and a final tomorrow. I've already studied my ass off for the final, and one of the papers is almost done. I'm letting the second paper
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Getting it put in was a hellish process, given that I have a very small, crooked, ANGRY cervix that clenches up if you so much as think about putting something on/in it (pap smears are a bitch for me). The first insertion attempt failed - she couldn't force it in, and it hurt so much that I thought I was going to throw up or pass out. I talked my gyno into giving me valium for the second insertion; the valium made me feel drunk, it dulled the pain and relaxed my cervix enough to let her put the damn IUD in - still hurt, though. After insertion, though, things were a breeze. I had mild cramps the rest of that day and the day after (slept a lot), no weird spotting, no random cramps. My period-related cramps are worse then they were on the pill, and my periods are heavier and longer. Also, ever since the insertion, my cervix has been pissed off at the world so deep rough penetrative sex is kind of not an option. I'm hoping that'll change.
HOWEVER. The five years of effective sterility are more than worth it (given how adamantly childfree and pregnancy-phobic I am). I love not having to take a pill everyday, I love not having to worry about antibiotics/missing a pill. I love being able to go check that my strings are in place and know that I'm protected. I love that I'm not going to have to pay for birth control for the next five years. I'm hoping that I'll get lucky and that my period will go away. I love that I'm on a lower hormone dose, even though adjusting to that has sucked. The mood swings have been the worst of it, and I think the protection is worth it.
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