Aug 20, 2004 16:29
Hey People. How are all of you? I am good...I can't believe today is friday, I don't really want m birthday to come because I don't have anyone intimate that I can spend it with...oh well I think I will have my get together or something on monday, Tabetha and Krista are going to basically be busy this weekend so I don't want to do it with out them becauase they are like my whole life! And Krista is going trough a really hard time and I am more focused on helping her then caring about looking for someone to go out with and my birthday...I am getting better though because since I have been either around Krista or Tabetha I just haven't really been thinking of getting with someone because all I ever want is someone close to me..I have them..I also have been seeing a lot of heart break among my friends and I sit back and realize that everyone is starting to feel like I do, everyday! Then I feel so much remorse and sympathy for them because no one should feel that..I just hope everyone can find some type of happiness soon. I am starting to listen to more of punk music like Bright Eyes, The Used, Audio Slave, The Sound, The Distillers, people like that....It's really good. But kinda sad at the same time..On The Sounds cd there is this song I can really relate to it right now and I know some people who can also relate as well.But oh well. Well I guess I will go I might right more later but I don't know..bye people.