
Oct 07, 2020 12:55

My job assigned us 24 hours of overtime to be mandatory done between Oct 1 and Oct 21st. Me and my mate who also works with me, worked 2 Saturdays in a row and then the rest during the last 2 weeks. Good lord I'm tired! So we took today, tomorrow and the next day off. We meant to relax today, but somehow ended up being pretty productive and getting a lot of things done. Especially some items we'd been putting off like organizing the grocery list and ordering groceries, yard work, cleaning out my car to get rid of it and dropping off items at the donation bins.
I can't wait to get a new (used) car. I'll have nowhere to drive it right now though so it's OK if I'm waiting.
I'm really glad the election is getting closer. Politics is absolutely stupid right now. Trump contracted the covidrona and so did half the white house. 😂 What a fucking asshoke idiot.

I keep trying to edit the word asshoke but it won't let me so... New Word.
Anyway. That's it for now I guess.

politics, life, work

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