Dec 19, 2009 14:38
Last night I went and saw Avatar with Josh at the 3D Imax showing downtown. Before we left, Dustyn, Denny's (the roommate)brother came by to surprise him, but it turns out Denny had left and was in Port Orchard for a few days. So I invited Dustyn to the movie but it was sold out, so instead we just dropped him off downtown and called him when the movie was over and brought him back.
Avatar was dope as hell, I am going to have to take Laurel to see it. It was amazing! The plot, the emotional content, cinematography, graphics, production quality, special effects, it was a really cool movie, and 3D made it even better probably.
I went to bed at 2:30AM-ish, then woke up promptly at 8:00AM for no reason, and decided to text Laurel, who was there to text me right back, and wished each other a good day. I can't wait to see her again. I really really love that girl, every day that goes on, I feel it is something special, that I've never had with anyone before. I have been around the block a few times, I thought I knew what love was, but apparently not? This is more of a spiritual, pure form of it that I never knew actually existed. Well, I'd heard of it happening, but not to me! I guess my time came.
Anyway after saying good morning to my love, I went back to sleep and woke up at 1:PM to the sound of my phone ringing. It was Landlord Mike, who left a message saying Katie, a girl to look at the 4th bedroom, was there to see the house. Ooops. I was naked. I threw some clothes on quickly and let her in. She seemed interested in the room, and I gave her the tour. She said she'd talk to Mike and let him know she would like to see about taking the room. This is good because last night Dustyn told me to ask Mike if he could take the room, and that he'd pay him in cash. At least Denny got a job now much to all of our relief, but having his brother there too? I don't know. I always thought Dustyn was the younger one, but he is 25 and Denny is 21.
Head cold is getting better. I took dayquil last night to sleep but during the day I toughed it out and was mostly alright. I haven't coughed yet today. No headache anymore. Getting better, yay!
My friend Crystal's birthday is tomorrow. Not sure if we are going to do something like lunch on her birthday or something, still waiting to hear back what her plans are, I know she's got things planned that are special with her gf so we shall see...