Gosh, freaking Christmas is almost here! Ah! I loooovvvvvveee Christmas. Christmas time is supposed to be spent with your family, not some jerk you fell for in ninth grade. I can't believe I actually had to think about it. *slaps wrist*
Speaking of guys, what's with meeting these older guys that MUST be 22-23 only to find out they're 28?! Lol, "yeah, I had my 10 year reunion the other week." My age detector is clearly broken.
Now for a hilarious quote from Fame, "the land of dreams waits over the meadow, if you can find a way out of the ghetto." Hahaha. Fame was cool.
Gosh, I can't believe he's back. It seemed like foreverrrrr.
I'm in the mood for a love song.
Yay, I'm going to college!
The Soup is HILARIOUS.
*Sighs* That's definitely the background of my computer desktop.
"It's so groovy, it's outta sight!" Wow, the 80's must have been horrendous