Aug 01, 2005 22:03
Was just outside smoking a cig, when I saw a bug on the garage door. I thought it was a Praying Mantis but, it flew on to my chest when I was looking at it. It then flew back on the garage door. I'm confused, I didn't think they fly or, do they?!?!
Watched farenheight 911 the other day again. Saw it the first time opening day in the movies, also saw Michael Moore at my brothers school back last Sept. Anyways, Bush did many bad things, he is a very naughty clown. How could be be elected president? Not realected but, elected. His bro Jeb and congress gave him the election in 2000. Chads suck.
In June I went to Asbury pride, it was a fun drunken time. This couple, Louis and Lucas came up to me. First, they gave me this horrible pick up line, then they started praising George Bush. Saying they don't wanat their money getting wasted by the Democrats and that Bush never said that he hated homos. Well, he didn't say outright that he hated homos but, his actions have obviously made it clear of his hate. Plus, how much tax do you think this war is costing everybody? WTF? Bin Laden attackes us, he's hiding in Afganstan and mr. clown decides to attack Iraq and go after Saddam.
Lou and Lucas were tards, I wanted to hurt them.
I will have off from work Sept 2 and not go back till Sept 12! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm only using five vacation days, I was smart and took of the week of labor day, whcih is a vacation day for everybody plus two weekends! What will I do? Don't know, I think go to NYC for a day, maybe a couple parties, clubs, shore house.
The shore is cool on the weekdays, weekends are a different story. All the numbnuts come down during the weekend and act like morons. I have off on the weekends but, do I seriously want to put up with them?
Yay! End of blog!