her lovely name - michelle cross So be that way and stay away.
I forget, you never will upset your girl.
I know you love her.
Still, it’s hard to say her lovely name.
Her Lovely Name.
And all those times you slipped away,
Without a word I thought at least you’d say,
”So long, My Flower.
I always will remember your lovely face.
Your lovely face.”
I warned you, I could love you more than you want me to.
And I never seen light like the Fourth of July,
Your hand held in mine just for that night.
And you know how I hate it when you ask me the time.
Well, I’m not a baby, I just thought you could save me from my loneliness.
My Loneliness.
I warned you, I could love you more than you want me to.
I warned you, I could love you more than you want me to.
Let me stay here. I can’t make you see
What it’s done to me.
So be that way and stay away.
I forget, you never will upset your girl.
I know you love her.
Still, it’s hard to say…
Her Lovely Name.
P.S. meme time: leave me a comment with a theme for a mix (like songs to sing in the shower or whatever) and i will make one for you as well♥ (if you are from facebook and don't have an LJ [shame!] just comment anonymously with your name)