Dec 29, 2008 20:11
....sometimes I don't know. When someone asks me how I feel, I sometimes don't really know what to say to I say I don't know. When someone asks if I'm okay, i say I don't know...because at the time, my emotions may be all jummbled i really don't have an answer for them yet. When people ask why i said or did something...I sometimes say, "I don't know" because I prolly just did or said whatever because i felt like it.
So....i don't knoew if it's just me with my spaced-out-ness or if anyone else feel like this, or whatever...
right now I feel like...i don't know. I don't know if my boyfriend and I should take a break or not because I don't know how eithor of us will take it...I don't know if we'll be apart for long or for a short time....i don't know what to say when he asks if I'm okay, I don't know if I'll be okay, i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know if my friends will be my friends till i graduate, or even till my junour year. I don't know if I'll change. Personality-wise and Physically-wise.
I deffinetley don't know about what will happen, how I'll feel, or anything.