Gah! Time goes too fast...

Sep 11, 2017 13:34

Eh, this is late, but whatever. Monthly update!

Due to all the forest fires, and the resulting haze in the air, I keep feeling like crap and feeling like a cold is coming on, though it isn't. Bleeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh...

BUT! Massive good things! Like actually getting my basement cleaned up, going through my music and cleaning it out, and chucking a bunch of fabric that people had given me that was UTTER CRAP and not of value to anyone. :P I can see floor in my basement!

So, happy about all that! And now I have ROOM in my basement to work on things. XD And I can sees the things, all of them! It is very good. :)

I did a 5K walk with friends yesterday (in 59 minutes and 45 seconds, so under an hour!), but was stupid and stayed up the night before and only got 3 hours of sleep (was trying to finish a costume to wear, which I didn't totally; pics to come SOMEDAY when I finally get on that), and then got a bit dehydrated, so feeling even worse today from that. Still, was fun, and I am now 50% done with a good hall costume that will be fun to wear around. :)

In the completing of stuffs, total fail on many things, but I am making progress. I have given up on SHIELD (it just wasn't interesting me at all; after trying to watch Buffy, I am very over Whedon and his style), which means I am caught up with everything on my in-house watch list, so I'll start on Next Gen and Dr Who at some point.

Caught up on reading too. I only have one book left (Arabian Nights), and then that's my reading list for the year done.

So, list of things to work on for September:
Reading goal: taking a break this month, so none
Watching goal: all caught up; possibly try to force my family to watch My Little Ponies season 5 so I can be somewhat on track for the movie next month (EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)
Knitting goal: I am making September into sock month, and finishing the gray and black socks, as well as starting on my Single Pattern Contest socks; also, finish using up the red yarn leftover from the coat and hand sew the sweater pieces my neighbor gave me
Other goals: blankets (as usual), that plushie (finally got in eyes and noses to use), petticoat (and maybe the other underwear for my historical), more embroidery work, and beading work
Alternate goal (because I might want to shift gears): work on/finish my Single Pattern entry for CC36 so I will have one whole outfit done (except the socks, which need to be knitted)

real life, costume ideas, crafting

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