And June is here...

Jun 02, 2017 13:22

My mom is coming back today. Unfortunately, I didn't get ANYTHING in the craft room in the basement done that I wanted to (including any sort of sewing). So, failure on that. :P

On the plus side, I did get my room much more organized and clean (it looks like a room, and not a junk/yarn stash! I can see my knitting projects, organized and count-able and not in heaps!), and I did finish a few knitting things. I also got through a huge chunk of DVDs I'd bought and never watched (for whatever reason), and I got one book of 4 finished. So, progress of a sort was made.

I think if I try to do one massive knitting project per month, as well as something else on my reading list and watching list, I should be on track to have my yearly goals accomplished. This month, my knitting goal is to finish the red coat that I want to give my mom (was going to be for her birthday, but since my brother and I found 4 DVDs for her, I'll probably hold the coat back for Christmas). My reading goal is to try to finish the one sewing book on haute couture that I am halfway through. My watching goal (still have so many DVDs) is to finish with "Major Crimes" (have 13 eps of season 4 and all of season 5 to watch, but then I'll be caught up, and these go pretty quick for me because I like all the characters a bunch and the plots usually aren't confusing).

A few other goals for June, though minor, are to finish edging the vent covers I made for the basement (so I don't freeze nearly as badly when the AC is on), make a Grateful Dead stuffed bear for a friend, and get two donation blankets done.

Typing all this up to try and hold myself accountable. If I give myself little goals each day and big goals for the end of the month, I think I won't be so disappointed when it feels like I made no progress (even if I did make progress and I know I did, but my brain is only focused on all the things I still need to do).

On a quick note, I watched a Let's Play for "Night in the Woods." EXCELLENT game! The characters are oddly real in a way not usually seen, the art style is unique and fluid, and the plot is pretty good (the twist/murder mystery at the end feels a bit stupid, but not in a tacked-on way, just in a "they really thought that?" way, which works with the game). I want to make a costume for the game, but the art style makes it tricky. Still...

Oh, and "Captain America: Civil War" was as fucking stupid as I thought it would be from the trailers and hearing the story (hence why I put off watching it for so long). I know it grossed a bunch of money, and many of the fans absolutely love it, but given that some films that tanked are ones I love and vise versa, I stand by my statement that this movie was terrible and just an excuse for the fanboys to wank off to seeing a bunch of heroes in one movie, rather than getting anything out of the movie about said heroes (character arcs, backstory, personality, anything). Just an excuse to have a battle between supers and squeal over Spiderman finally being in a Marvel movie. Thank goodness "Dr. Strange" was really good, and "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" fucking rocks (not quite as good as the first, which was an "A"; the second is a "B+") or I'd be off Marvel.

random, real life, crafting

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