Whelp, little disappointing, but...

Apr 18, 2017 22:50

So, I was making quite a bit of progress and could possibly have hit the "good enough" point with my historical costume, but a few things came up these past two days and completely derailed those plans. Rather than enter something unfinished (I want this entry to have all the embroidery and whatnot that I'd originally planned), I'm going to hold off on it and keep working on it for entry at CC36 (San Diego! Ports of Call).

But that means I still have my Single Pattern Entry to finish up (have some embroidery to do on it too, as well as attach LEDs, add a backpack, bind off the buttonholes, and finish at least one petticoat). I also need to get my documentation for it in order. Should be interesting, though, and hopefully will be appreciated by Dr Who fans. ;)

Aside from that, though, I think I'm going to take this weekend/convention easy and just try to enjoy myself (I think the hotel has a pool, and I wanna go swimming!). If I'm honest, I'm looking forward to coming back and being almost done with the semester and able to take it a bit easier, as well as just working on projects I've put off for too long (this is the summer I reclaim my basement!).

My mom got a new job and she starts training either at the beginning of May or mid-May and will be gone for 3 weeks, so I'm also looking forward to being a bit alone and just getting stuff done. My goal is to, by the end of July, have most fabric/yarn off the floor (meaning I have to actually finish enough stuff to get it all on the shelves), and maybe be done with all my extra reading. Basically, I'd like to have my room cleaned up and my crafting area tidy enough to pull out anything I want to work on without having to shuffle things for 30 minutes to have enough room. :P

Well, here's to enjoying CC35 and finishing my one costume entry in time!

random, real life, costuming

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