If I didn't have a crap-ton of things to work on at work (build 6 air tables, make a trophy for a physics competition, and finish a giant Newton's cradle, all within three days because I have plans for Thursday/Friday and will not be here!), I would totally take this week off and do nothing but work on stuff for CC35.
The beading has fallen a bit behind (to be honest, I focused on other things for awhile and just haven't picked it back up; well, that and I figured out that if I had kept to the schedule I made back in January, I'd be done with it now, which depressed me), but I have been working on the Single Pattern Dr Who entry. Turning out to be a bit expensive (I WANT ALL THE LEDS! ALL OF THEM! IN WEIRD PLACES AND ARRANGEMENTS!!! TO ME, LILYPAD!), but should be neat when completed. Just got the feet of each sock to finish, then detail work on the back, and then those are done. Have the pattern mocked-up for the actual dress, but need to cut it out and dye the edges of it (why yes, I want to experiment with ombre dyeing even though I really don't have the time for it... why do you ask?), and then it's all detail work.
Dirndl skirt and shirt need to be dyed before I do any work with them. So, lots of dyeing, and I have to wait for a nice-ish day to just get it all done at once. Today would have been perfect, but... work. -_- Hoping the forecast for later this week looks better.
At any rate, here's some humor. One British and one... Deadpool. ;P
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