So, got the reading I wanted to finish done, have a site bookmarked for writing a thesis proposal (may do it this weekend, may wait until next week so I have something to do while I'm spending my manditory 20 hours/week on campus), and today we meet for seminar and I'll sign up to present a paper later (was tipped off that I may be able to pick any type of paper I want, so it's possible I could do a paper about chemistry/science education which would be SO awesome for me).
Overall, not too shabby. I'm hoping I can finish the presentation and thesis proposal early in the semester and then just work on research. Now that I'm looking at it, chances are it won't be so bad. Much of it will be letting the computer run and then changing variables and letting it run some more. If I'm lucky, I may be able to use more than one program and do a comparision sort of thing (although these programs do cost a bunch of pretty pennies [$3000+]).
The one bad thing that happened this week (and I didn't notice until Wednesday) was that the FRCC tutoring people signed me up to tutor someone for a class I specifically said I didn't want to tutor, which hints that they didn't look at the list of classes I gave them when I also gave them my hours. And with the 3-day weekend coming up, I doubt they'll fix this before next Tuesday, so I have to yell at them then. >:P I refuse to be backed into a corner about this (like I sort of was last semester).
And onto fun things! XD
Zombie Orpheus Entertainment (the dudes doing JourneyQuest) have their new trailer up for The Gamers 3: Hands of Fate! I want this to get funded so badly! I've donated as much as I can (can't wait for those sweet perks!), and there's a good chance they can make it to their goal in time. *fingers crossed* Spread the love, please!
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Direct Youtube link: And for the Legend of Zelda nerds out there, this is pretty cute:
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Part 1: 2: 3: Lastly, I was looking for random fursuit things to inspire me (for the Phoenix costume, but other things as well), and I found this:
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MUST FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE!!! These are exactly perfect for the Phoenix costume!
This weekend, I may start on a pair of faun legs to use as a costume in lab ("Whoops, that experiment was a failure! See what happens when you don't follow safety procedure?" ^~). I'm hoping I can make a fursuit in pieces that can be used as a partial and a full fursuit depending on the situation. If I expand the legs, I'll make it into a jackalope, since I think that could be interesting.
Now to wait for seminar. And watch LPs of Donkey Kong country 3. :P Yes, I'm odd.