It's 2008 and already it's looking like an amazing year for not only Killola but Killola fans!
If you haven't already, go on and preorder "I Am the Messer" , the next hit album from Killola, at Yes, this is the album with "This Is How the World Ends" and my personal favorite, "10,000 Pound Ego". It should also be noted that when you preorder, you get a MP3 sent straight to your inbox from I Am the Messer called "All of My Idols Are Dead". The band does ask that you do not share this digital goodness with your friends but, tell them about it in great enough detail that they too will preorder the album. See how that works?
A little birdie in a voice barely above a whisper told me that Killola is going to be touring the US this year. Yes, THIS YEAR and they are coming to the east coast with a special stop in Georgia. Okay, maybe not a special stop so much as maybe just a stop. Anyway, oddly enough, there are a lot of Killola fans in Georiga so, that should make you very happy. The birdie failed to mention exact dates and cities, but I'm sure it'll be in a venue near YOU so listen out for updates on that.
There's also some new swag that you can buy via the Killola Myspace page ( and a host of other happenings and events that's been supersplendidly amazing (that you can check their site and Myspace for)! 2008 is gonna move with or without ya, kiddies so you better be ready to ride!
And remember:
Gif by: Tristan