Sep 01, 2006 09:39
am tired of these superficial relationships i have.
"he's cute".."he's funny"..i need someone who is going to make me
absolutely crazy about him.
but first i need to work on my relationship with God.
i gave my shift away today so i can go to bible study tonight.
it's the first big step i've made.
i mean, i need the money but i need God way more than that.
work is going great.
im making more &more acquaintences.
mikie invited me out tonight.
she's awesome. going to school for makeup.
it should be fun.
the other day brenton let me serve for fun.
it was interesting. lol
i got a new phone. i needed it. people can finally get ahold of me.
i talked to rory. i miss him. alot.
he's graduating over there in november. i think imma take a little road trip to go see him.
he comes home in december, but he's sure he's not going to stay.
we'll see.
i've been having more &more dreams of jimmy lately.
it's keeping me from sleep. aye.
this is weird. i don't have any feelings for him anymore. he's happy.
i'm off now. working hard.