Jul 11, 2005 10:01
I slept my anger off yesterday, and apologized to Josh for being such a moddy bitch.
Last night was fun. We picked Jose up and didn't know what to do. We drove around aimlessly only to find that almost everything is closed on sunday nights. So we decide that we'd go to the Toy Box. I walked in first, and the lady at the counter didn't say anything to me. About a minute later, Josh and Jose walked in and the lady was all "let me see your id!", Josh had to leave, but Jose came in. We looked at all the weird stuff, laughed, then we got Josh "Buttman" magazine since he was all upset that he couldn't go in. It was all funny though. After that, we went to Starbucks and chilled for a while.
We went back to Josh's, watched family guy, and I laughed at all the gross pictures in "Buttman".