(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 15:33

GAh. So much to say, no place to say a damn thing. Took 20 minutes to get in here.
I'll rattle off some short facts.
I wish "How-to-draw-anime" book covers weren't plastered with scanty busty anime girls.
Before I die I want to parasail in the city driven by a bus.
I want to jump from one bus to another when they move in opposite directions.
Nothing about art should be easy.
1 hour of being outside and 30 of news sucks.
I want to see Jackass two and... that one movie that started with a d or an r and featured the league of extraordinary crackers.
Get off my nuts, Bentadicktines.
Oh god, I'm surrounded by the aura of Jesus.
Is it Bilbo Baggins?
I'll get DDR first if they give me my choice of which privilege to get back. Computer would come last, anyways.
I regret not picking up art at an earlier age.
I can go to the library after school! Pimpage.

Hmm. Imight make an autobiography of myself In Fletcher humor, of course, and lots of explosions and action. Especially when I get to what I want to do in the future and daydreams. Yeah.
Fletcher hooked himself to the parasail connected to Jeff Gordon's carin the middle of the race track, holding up other cars and creating a giant explosion as a tanker crashed into the masses of cars.
Jeff revved his engine, and in a few seconds Fletcher could be seen rising above the fence. As the car approached 200 MPH Fletcher yelled, "OMG LIEK, I'M GOUNNA LIEK RUSH LIMBAUGH-", interrupted as a colorful array of pre-digested food landed on top of the second place car, guiding him into going through the middle of the track, and he collided head-on with the wall. With a giant explosion.

OH YEAH. Except the explosions will be better described. Yeah. But I want to parasail in the city...
And wall jump two buildings. YEAHHH.

AHAHAH, I'm back. We skip to 8th period.
BTW, I'm grounded and I got on with the excuse of:
But Mah, I haffa do meh essay on how I was a Buddhist too-day.
Not very Buddhist of me to do this, but, whatevah.

Delbert: You think you're slick, putting "Knock it off, Delbert" on the Myspace Benedictine forum.
I shouldn't of done that, but it was irresistable.
Test. Extra Questions: 1) In Eminem's song, "Lose Yourself", what does he say is on his sweatshirt already? VAHRMIT.
2) Finish these lyrics from LEd Zeppilin's "Stairway to Heaven". "She's buying a..."
CAR? FOIE GRAS? A PLANE? A LIFE? A hooker (Gah, I couldn't... gah...)? A... oh. I should stop. Right.
3) What are the 5 Power Rangers' names?
Rush Limbaugh
Karl Rove
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly
Delbert knew, he knew. O_o; I see why they make fun of him.
Second season:
Jesus (In transparent color, but he was there)
Will Smith
Ricky Blevins
Lil' Jon
Mr. T
Yes, they were all black.
Oh. Gawd. They gave me the idea. I swear.
I was practicing my Super Dino Mighty Punch and Sharpen Pencil, and prepared a Mighty Morphin Toss.
That might be it, righ'?
Nope. 9th: I declare my new alias as the Ghetto Gangsta Power Ranger.
Rolled around a bit, some flashy stuff, ran up the wall.
Football. =( We play on concrete. When I DID get the ball the pass sucked. I was open so many times. I got hit in the face with an arm and my pinky near broken. Grr. And this soft Charmin roll of toilet paper Martin was running slow like a retard to run out the clock since we had the ball. I was going to bust his lip. We almost got it... except for an interception. Oh. We tied, though, and intercepted it again, but it was too late.
Meh, that's it.
Emo time, kids, gather round and get me a knife.
I can't believe how stupid I am to get a DA account when I can't do anything artistic. I mean, I'm working on a poem right now, but god, I can't draw for sheet.
And this grounding isn't helping. I have 4 years to hone my skills before I'm free and then on my own, and will I have the skills to survive if I turn DJ? Hopefully. IF not, I can become a politician and if I make it out alive, woo-hoo. Though I'm thinking of a spy/hacker job, but for the CIA. And, well, they might go back into my records, so I can't say, but I won't turn against anyone I believe in. Then again, I could become a military historian. Whatever.
I miss ye, and my 350 deviation pile-up is loading on my nerves, and the 100 journals, too. Whoever may happen to read this.

I dun wanaa be chubby. I'm 140 and 5'4, and have literally no muscle. I don't wanaa be bootylicious, guys. >_<;
Homework- DONE. I admitted what I did over the day after I lied about it. Harhar. A rare occasion (except I'll tell you the truth. If you ask. =] 
Scythe's Saga
Poem- It's in a new format, I'll try to post it as soon as I can

Fletcher is hated by 9 and one half out of 10 adults,
by 8 out of 10 girls,
and 7 out of 10 boys.
On average about 8 and a half people are out to get Fletcher. The half constitutes zombies.
That's why Fletcher appreciates your support/love/lurf/luff/lubb.
There is one kid even crazier than me.
His name:
I admit, I admit.
I met Ed Miller on Saturday at the library. Apparently there's been a crapload of SWAT drills on Avalon, Nick set his shirt on fire when it was still on him and someone recorded him running into a street sign and breaking it, their homecoming, and how strict it is there. Two suspensions = You're gone at Shaker. Jeeesus. I missed homecoming. Guess whyyyy?
1) You have to wear a suit. Impatringmydancemovesmuch. No way am I wearing a suit if I plan to date a hot babe. And no way are they going to date me unless they inherit everything I got when I die.
2) Too late to put in a bid. I don't have the necessary equipment to rappel down to the suite (Though I could infiltrate it. Yeah. Ski masks are new stylish fancy fashion, right?).
3) They'd assume I was drunk within the first 5 minutes, and within the next hour I'd have done something stupid. xcessively stupid.

Eww. Look at my catch-up work. I'm getting beaned and creamed.
1 exercises, a, b, p. 47
2 exercises: p. 63, a, b
Pig Latin
3 Practice p.53
4 PP.42-43 Translate Story
5 Chapter 2 - Sec. 1-6 Review
6 Chapter 1 - Section 2
7 Chapter 1 - Section 4    
8 Chapter 1 - Vocabulary
9 Chapter 1- Practice Test (Text)
10 Chapter 1 - Section 5
11 4.5 Questions
12 Chapter 3.1 WS

And yet, it shows up that 0 assignments are missing. w00t, I must be doing really well and really crappy at the same time. I'm getting D's in Biology and Math and Cs near everywhere else.
But I have an A in P.E. That's what counts, right?
If I run for office... Well, spies just have to be logical, aye? Yes, I want to be a spy. I can keep a straight face in lying, I'm persuasive, stealthy, agile, quiet, and, well, a scumbag of fuzz and guts. Yeh, when I dream and I don't remember I'm probably the raccoon tearing through campsites and eating the donuts at your local campsite-orgasm-land.
I've been tardy to Math 2 times, to Engrish 3, only she knows how many times to biology and world history.
One day of suspension, too. Ouch. NO excused absences except for that. >_>; Except in Latin and my appointment, otherwise I'm a schooltard skank.
I must be going. Good luck, and <3s. Me? I'm doing DDR.  Peace out.
-The Gangsta Power Ranger, Fletcher
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