Dear all Baccano! RPers, past, present and future,
It has come to my attention that
some of you are scared to play. This is very sad and confusing to me for multiple reasons. After a quick chat with some friends on Plurk we concluded that it may possibly be the time period. Well, that's one thing I can help you with. And help you I shall because there are three things I love: Baccano!, the 1930s, and research!
*This post is intended as
1. a quick reference guide.
2. a place to share research and answer questions.
As such comments are highly encouraged at anytime. It is in no way complete and comprehensive but it's a start.
50 Interesting Facts•
Admittedly this part is only useful if there's an Economy in your game which is not likely but if prices ever come up here you go.
Inflation Calculator •
This is one of the most fun parts about playing a character from this era. You know you want to use them but be sure you're using them correctly first.
Dirty 30s Slang•
More Slang and Explanations•
1920s Slang but it's good to see the start
"The First Boy Band" POPULAR CULTURE
Oh god, I could write about this forever. For now let's just go with a few links shall we?
Manufacturing Memory•
Jazz Anthology•
Radio Dismuke•
Radio Swing X FASHION
Hair. Bobbed debate•
You may or may not have any say in this matter depending on the game but at Wake we do so I have bookmarks on 1930s home layout and furnishings so I might as well share.
Basic Floorplan•
The 1930s Home •
Quick Highlight of Furniture Style•
Doll Houses! HOLIDAYS
X Valentine's Day
Same. Cute little holiday for love. The cards were very cartoony and disgustingly cute. At least the ones that show up in image searches anyway. Oh and one little thing happened in 1929, Chicago which may or may not be worth looking into...
St. Valentine's Day Massacre X Halloween
You probably wouldn't believe this was the easiest holiday to research. Not a huge difference between then and now but it was part of a transitional period. The 1920s and 30s had a huge problem with vandalism and property damage. Trick-or-Treating was a way to try to cut down on these acts. Today the "Trick" part is pretty much ignored but back then it was more like "Give me candy or I'll take out your mailbox." Regardless in the 1930s Trick or treating was much more of a thing. Which means younger characters like Firo and Jacuzzi would probably have participated in that or the school carnivals growing up but older characters like Ladd would probably have been too old for that stuff and more likely to have celebrated in the traditional manner. Yay vandalism~
A Brief History of Halloween in America•
Halloween History•
More Halloween History•
Random Pictures 1930-1939•
Vintage Halloween Gallery X Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving fell on the LAST Thursday of November until FDR pushed it up a week in 1939 to allow for an extra week of Christmas shopping. Other than that it was the same as it is today: food, family, football and the parades!
Funny Traditions•
Parade Video 1931 X Christmas
Nothing much to say. An orange was a common thing to get in your stocking but. There was a different style to it as is very clear in the pictures my pop decorated like that into the 90s. Then all his bulbs burned out and that was that.
Christmas Pictures ETCETERA!
1930s New York•
Jazz Age Chicago•
Circus Photos 1920-40s•
Marital Rating Scale•
little_details has a 1930s tag. You can find all sorts of things you never knew you wanted to know there.
baccanodr /plug
My Tumblr just for this