Feb 22, 2007 10:04
× •I N F O R M A T I O N • × •
Name: Becca Prince.
Single or taken: Taken!
Sex: Female.
Birthday: May 5th, 1990.
Sign: Taurus.
Siblings: One half brother and one half sister.
• × • R E L A T I O N S H I P S • × •
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: I guess I'm bi.
Who are your best friends? My boyfriend Tyler and Jen.
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes, haha.
How many exes do you have?: like umm... I guess just one, haha.
What is your longest relationship: Right now, a year and ten months.
What was your shortest relationship?: I don't know. I guess... 3 months, then break, then another 2 or 3 months...
• × • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • × •
Where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: Umm... Target, I guess. Anywhere cheap.
Any tattoos or piercings: Homemade tattoos, and my nose and bellybutton.
Favorite designer? TAR-ZHAYYY hahaha.
What is your sexiest outfit?: Uh... I don't know.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: My pajammies!
What do you usually wear?: Skirts with leggings!
• × • S P E C I F I C S • × •
Do you do drugs?: Naaah.
What are you most scared of?: SPIDERS!!!
What are you listening to right now: Um, nothing. But I have War Pigs stuck in my head.
Who is the last person that called you?: My Mammy!
How many buddies are online right now?: I don't know, I have not checked.
What would you change about yourself?: Get less angry... be more independent... be better with money...
• × • F A V O R I T E S • × •
Colors: All of em!
Foods: Uh... a lot. Too much, haha.
Girls names: I really don't know.
boys names: Adam.
Subjects in school: Art... even if I don't have the class.
Animals: Siberian Tigers.
• × • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • × •
Given anyone a bath?: Haha yep.
Smoked?: Yeah.
Bungee jumped?: NO NO NO NO NO.
Made yourself throw up? Yeah, because I was sick and I felt like crap, so I was like fuck it.
Skinny dipped?: No.
Ever been in love? Yes, I AM in love.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No, I cry a lot, so I probably just did it naturally. I know, pathetic.
Pictured your crush naked? Ha. Ha.
Actually seen your crush naked? Yes.
Cried when someone died?: Yeah.
Lied: Well, yeah. That's inevitable.
Been rejected? Many, many times.
Rejected someone? Only a couple of times, I think.
Used someone? ... I don't THINK so... that's pretty mean...
Done something you regret? Yeah.
• × • C U R R E N T • × •
Clothes: Shirt and leggings.
Music: None.
Smell: My room.
Desktop picture: BloodRayne!!!!
CD in player: Rammstein.
DVD in player: Family Guy.
• × • L A S T | P E R S O N • × •
You touched: Tyler.
Hugged: Tyler.
You IMed: I don't know.
That IMed you: I don't know.
You yelled: I guess Tyler.
You kissed: Tyler.
• × • A R E | Y O U • × •
Understanding: Yeah.
Open-minded: Yes, I try to be.
Arrogant: Hmm... maybe sometimes.
Insecure: YES.
Random: Haha, yeah.
Hungry: No, I just eat and eat and eat...
Smart: I think I'm average.
Moody: Yep.
Hard working: If I really need to be...
Organized: Hahahaha, no.
Healthy: No.
Shy: Yeah, sometimes.
Difficult: Hahaha, ask Tyler, he'll tell you.
Shallow: No.
Attractive: I'm me.
Bored easily: Sometimes.
Angry: Yeah. Too angry.
Sad: Yes.
Happy: YEAH!!!!
Hyper: Sometimes I am
Trusting: Yeah... sometimes with the WRONG PEOPLE
• × • W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A • × •
Kill?: No one.
Slap: Paris Hilton.
Get high with?: I don't really do that, so no one.
Sex it up: Hahaha, sex it up, huh?
• × • R A N D O M • × •
In the morning: I wonder what I'm going to do.
All you need is: love, money, and security.
Love is: really hard.
I dream about: really weird shit.
WICH|IS| B E T T E R • × •
Coke or Pepsi: coke!
Flowers or candy: oooh candy
Tall or short: I like tall guys haha.