somewhat golden like the afternoons, we used to spend before you got too cool.

Jul 26, 2005 13:36

monday morning my dad found a few ice cream sandwhiches
on the roof of my car (still in good condition)
coincidentally, dan im’d me apologizing for the ice cream sandwhiches he left?

yesterday I had so much fun with dennis, jamie & cara in pa
sandcastle plans were cancelled because of the storm.

it was questionable whether paul was coming with us or not
but when I got dropped off at his house, I saw him walking down the street
so I ran and gave him the biggest hug. *I think that was the only positive paul moment of the entire day…
(+paul has changed. more than id like to recognize. hes not the same guy that used to make me breakfast in bed and pick flowers for me in the morning. & who I used to watch sappy movies and the sunset with every night. he worries me. I don’t even recognize him anymore.)…

anyway. we walked around town & to starbucks
and then went to see wedding crashers. we took horrible photobooth pics.
Then we went back to town and ate dinner.

we stayed at a hotel in my old neighborhood & raced up
3flights of stars at 10:01 to see laguna beach
our hotel didn’t have mtv. I killed.
whatever we went to kings this morning.
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