Mar 30, 2007 15:40
check it out!
''A Swan Song For The Birds''
Cat scratches on my beak and on my tail.
Cat scratches with crows feet with sharp details.
Cat scratches on her wings are all i see.
Cat Scratches have become so routine to me.
''Bang on those virgin ears!''
I met a girl named metaphor, she spoke in tongues and had contagious flaws i couldn't keep my paws off of. From nest to nest, Its always... spread your legs and fly. Spread your wings and fly. So I fell in love with this forest through the eyes of a badger but the flock heard overhead was laughing so much louder... thank god I'm not. I record my misery on zeros and ones with cat scratches on my vocal chords. You're listening to misery on zeros and ones with cat scratches on an mp3.