guess what I finally got.
a ds.
Ashley....where the hell have you been...I've had mine forever.
I've been broke, kay?
And I bet you can't guess the only only game I wanted and got.
I've been pretty much playing it non-stop. I got it Tuesday and i have six badges so far. I've played more than I've worked in the past week, which actually sucks.
also, Pat was doing dishes last Sunday night and was trying to clean the bottom of a glass when he shattered it. The glass cut a giant flap of skin about and inch long and just about down to the meat on his finger....I was freaking out way more than he was. We ended up waiting in the er for about 3 hours, while pat was profusely bleeding the entire time. By the time pat got all stitched up and we could leave it was 3 am. Pat had to miss work monday, which was fine....but he went in today and they sent him home. His manager technically wasn'y supposed to let him work at all, but she gave him a chance. He ended up ripping a stitch out and had no choice but to go home :(((
He went back Wednesday which is good. What's not good is how small his check will be next week....merrrr.