What's your secret?

Dec 08, 2009 02:35


What's your secret?

One that really stuck out to me in the video was "I'm a lot better before you really know me" and I think there are times that we all feel like that. I know I do, on a pretty regular basis.
I wish I could share something huge here, but I'm not that brave. But I will share a secret.

I look in every single wardrobe and closet I find looking for Narnia. I honestly believe in Magic. I wonder at least once a week why I haven't found Wonderland yet, and I'm always on the lookout for a white rabbit.

Until the day I die, I will believe that both of those places are out there, and that someday I'll find them.

You don't have to tell. Everyone has secrets, some of them silly, some of them huge, some of them you won't share and some of them you will.

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