Title: Shelter
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Rosalie/Esme
Wordcount: 116
Rating: G
Warning: -
Drabbletag 6 - content
100_women - strength
Sometimes when life gets tough Rosalie likes nothing more than to lay her head in Esme’s lap and let her stroke her hair. That’s where she can find content, that’s where she can be at peace.
Rosalie remembers then that this was the place she felt safest after her transformation, when the ghosts of her death haunted her.
That was where she found the strength to punish those who had wronged her.
And Esme will always be there to provide her with more of that strength, with endless love and care. Whenever the world is too loud, Esme can drown it all out just with her voice, humming a soothing lullaby to make Rosalie calm again.