Twilight - Alice/Bella - Finally warm

Mar 31, 2015 12:02

Title: Finally warm
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Alice/Bella
Wordcount: 150
Rating: G
Challenge: femslash100 - challenge 452 - warm
Challenge: 100_women - skin

Bella remembers that Alice’s embrace always made her shiver. The marble-like skin of the vampire felt cold as ice to the human girl, hard and solid. They had to use blankets and hot-water bags to keep Bella from freezing to death at night when she insisted on sleeping in Alice’s arms.

But when Bella also changed into a vampire, when they finally agreed to make her a full member of the family, her skin turned just as hard and cold. And she’ll never forget the sensation of the first touch they shared.

“Your skin is soft and smooth,” she breathed full of astonishment when she traced Alice’s arm with a single finger, probing the condition of her lover’s skin.

“So is yours,” Alice answered with a laugh and embraced the other vampire.

“And oh my goodness,” Bella sighs and leans in, rests her head on Alice’s shoulder. “You’re finally warm.”

character: alice cullen, genre: romance, challenge: 100women, pair: alice/bella, character: bella swan, fandom: twilight, challenge: femslash100

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