Title: Stories only told by her eyes
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Angela/Bella
Wordcount: 150
Rating: G
femslash100 - Prompt 449 - change
daswaisenhaus - [#_0774] Bella x Leah oder Bella x ? | she never cried, never uttered a word / only her eyes spoke - big, tragic eyes
When Bella told them „I’m okay“, they believed her. Of course they saw the forced smile and heard the hoarse voice, but only a few days had to pass and all of them forgot about it - almost.
Angela watches Bella from the corner of her eye, notices the little changes that the other ones miss (because they want to). It’s not the words that she speaks; it’s not the smile she fakes. No, Bella never cried a tear in front of them, never uttered a word about the pain inside her.
But Angela just has to look into these big, tragic eyes to know how the girl feels. Bella has lost her spirit, her eyes are dull and clouded when she thinks no one is paying attention.
And it breaks Angela’s very own heart to see Bella like this, to hear the stories that are only told by her eyes.