Harry Potter - Pansy/Draco - Everything's perfect

Mar 08, 2015 22:48

Title: Everything's perfect
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Pansy/Draco
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: slytherin100 - garden

Pansy feels the wind cool her sweaty forehead. She smiles and looks around. They really overdid themselves decorating the garden: flowers in full bloom, colorful lights and pretty benches are everywhere.
She can hear the music from inside, a dreamy waltz coming up.
Everything’s perfect.
To add to this feeling she feels a warm hand on her shoulder, soft lips on her cheek.
„Want to go back inside? I want to dance with you.“
She laughs. „Again? Didn’t we dance enough for one evening?“
She turns around and sees Draco smile at her. „Never,“ he answers and kisses her gently.

fandom: harry potter, genre: fluff, character: draco malfoy, character: pansy parkinson, pair: draco/pansy, challenge: slytherin100

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