2 The Walking Dead Drabbles - Tara/Alisha, Michonne/Maggie

Jan 29, 2015 15:38

Title: Lost
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Tara/Alisha
Wordcount: 250
Rating: G
Challenge: femslash100 - Drabbletag5: lost

Tara stumbles out of her hiding place and looks around. Everything is destroyed, the jail nothing more than a ruin; corpses are everywhere.
She runs her fingers through her hair, looks around more frantically.

“You go someplace safe and hide.”

Alisha’s voice echoes through her mind.

“I will find you when this is all over. I will find you."

That is what she promised, but as far as Tara can see, she’s the only one still standing. It’s quiet, just the crackling of some fires can be heard. She starts to walk, with each body she’s passing her feet move faster, afraid of finding Alisha being of them.
“Alisha,” she dares to call out, but no answer can be heard.
When she turns around a corner, a scream escapes her lips. “No!” she sobs and hurries to the dead form of her girlfriend.
Shot, right in the head. Someone killed her; not something. She craddles the woman into her arms and cries, until distinctive moaning can be heard.
Tara’s teary eyes widen and she doesn’t know what to do. Run for cover or stay with Alisha?
When the first Walker approaches she decides to run, and she’s lucky for she finds a cage-like cell with a lock.
There she sits and cries to herself, well hidden.
Alisha said she’d find her. But she never will.
Tara feels incredibly lost.
She doesn’t know where to go, doesn’t know what to do … so she just stays seated - and cries to herself.

Title: Drained
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Michonne/Maggie
Wordcount: 167
Rating: G
Challenge: femslash100 - Drabbletag5: strength

Michonne watches Maggie sitting on the ground, moving not a single muscle. She lost track of the hours Maggie stayed in this position; the only thing changing are the tears in her eyes. The strong woman is devastated since the death of her sister, it seems all life was drained from her when she touched Beth’s dead body.
There is nothing Michonne can do or say to make her feel better, so she does anything she can to keep at least her body alive. She helps Maggie drinking water and gives her some food, which she indeed takes, but apart from that there is no reaction at all.
When it turns colder Michonne covers them both with a blanket, makes Maggie lie down and hopes that, with her body-heat, a little of her own strength will seep into the other woman’s cold body.
But the warrior can’t help but wonder how long she will be able and strong enough to bring them both through the day …

pair: alisha/tara, character: maggie greene, fandom: the walking dead, pair: maggie/michonne, character: michonne (twd), character: alisha (twd), drabbletag5, character: tara chambler

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