Twilight - Alice/Esme - Without fear

Feb 17, 2017 17:12

Title: Without fear
Fandom: Twilight
Characters: Alice/Esme
Wordcount: 205
Rating: PG
Challenge: Drabbletag 7 - touch without fear

“Carlisle, who is this?” Esme asks and gets up from the couch as soon as he and Jasper enter the house with an unknown girl. She’s wearing a ragged dress and seems kinda confused, her large brown eyes darting from left to the right.

“She was wandering the streets, all the while yelling your name,” Carlisle explains with a frown.

Esme eyes the girl. “My name?”

Finally the girl looks directly at the vampire, and a big smile lightens her face. “It’s you,” she whispers and approaches Esme with big steps. “I’ve seen you for so long, and now you’re actually standing there.”

Esme backs away. “No, girl, don’t touch me.”

“Don’t worry, Esme,” the girl says, pronouncing Esme’s name as if they had known each other for a long time. “I know what you are. I’m not afraid.”

And then warm fingertips caress the vampire’s cold cheeks; even warmer lips press against her own. Esme had never thought that a human could be able to touch her like this without any fear, without any hesitation, and yet here they are in this strange yet fulfilling embrace.

“I finally found you,” the girl whispers again with a little laugh, before she collapses into Esme’s arms.

character: alice cullen, drabbletag7, character: esme cullen, fandom: twilight

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