well i'm just gonna take this here whirly bird for a ride...

Dec 05, 2003 15:57


Today was a mighty interesting day. I was puffing on a blunt during a smoke session located in Mike's stratus along with 3 other fine fellows DJ Cuban, DJ Nemesis, and DJ I Like To Burn Girls Named Katy's Arm With A Hot Pipe Luminous. We're going through a school zone going 25 (you're supposed to go 15) and woo woo goes the flashing lights of the bike cop that was monitoring this area. So I'm holding a blunt, freaking out, while 3 guys are saying do this do that. So as we turned this corner into a neigborhood I chucked the fat blunt roach out the window. Unfortunately, it bounced off a tree and landed right next to the spot where the cop parks his motorcycle. It smelled like stanky cristal blunt and my heart was pounding. It was some shit.

Gooooddddddd I gotta work 4:30 - close so i'll be off around 11:30 possibly 10:30 if everything goes good.

bye bye now
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