
Mar 11, 2007 01:56

One. i am here because kevin pissed me off today at cottage. it was something so small and stupid as throwing a pig into the water for a moderate bit of entertainment but he was so fucking stubborn about it. no reasoning what-so-ever besides "because i don't want to." most selfish reason in the fucking world. i've been getting that one alot lately and every time i hear it it just sets me further toward the edge. and then he says that i was being selfish for telling him to do it and that i should just wait until i play it myself and see what happens then. well how about considering this: i don't play the god damn single player games like kevin or joe or jessie because only one person is gaining entertainment from the damn machine. i see it that everyone should be gaining some sort of entertainment in the process; not just the person playing it. when i play i try to entertain everyone in the room. when kevin plays he plays only for himself. yeah, sure, kevin was playing so it was his save and his game to worry about; but big fucking deal. its still just a game. whats the point of playing on the console in the first place? entertainment! at what cost? a few seconds out of kevin's precious time. something so small yet he remained stubborn beyond all mention of reason. to be stubborn beyond reason is to be a fool.

two. mild pointless arguement with joe... nothing big... but that didn't bother me because he realized he was being stubborn and decided to change his opinion to include outside view. an acknowledgment that my opinion exists, thats all i need.

three. the long pointless argument with tristan a couple days ago about runescape vs wow economy and how wow is better because of the economy. after all that time arguing he managed to prove one thing: that if someone is deliberately trying to be an ass and destroy and economy; the economy will most likely begin to crumble. although he failed to realize that you could do the same thing in wow. granted it would be with less success and more effort, if what he said about the game was true. although the points he was making in runescape could be used against him in wow. sinks in runescape make the game easier because their cheaper more efficient ways to level and advance in the game. in wow, you're "required" to pay ways to make your character better equipped for the world of warcraft. his best example was the mount. he failed to realize the mount is not absolutely necessary. just like buying good armour or cheap runes in runescape isnt necessary. as he put it: "you can beat the system by leveling slower than everyone else." granted it beat the system, but the stupid argument proving that if someone really wanted to they could, at great cost only to them and the efficiency at which they build their character and advance into the game, could leave a small minute impact in the runescape economy.

four. here's a big fucking one. .1% (point one percent) away from a fucking A- which would boost my fucking GPA. gault, you're a fucking asshole. many occasions that would have changed that. one, the papers that he graded had a minimum requirement on them. he failed to explain the idiosyncrasies behind them. when they say five page requirement and you do five pages, you lose ten points because because you can't be sure its five full pages unless the sixth page shows up. that problem occurred a couple times, so he fucked me out of quite a few points. two, he had an extra credit assignment that i did that he didn't accept because he's a jackass. it was a prewriting assignment for one of the papers and i wasted my time doing it because he said he'd give the EC it promised on top of the page. three, the journal assignments that he had us do but never fucking accepted. four, the fucking extra credit PAPER that he had us do as a final writing assignment. apparently he had it add to the semester test which i ended at a 100% with because he "doesn't give anything higher than a 100%" even if you fuckin earn it. i sent the jackass an email asking about the EC paper because i didn't see it online. he sent me an email back saying shit that basically only established that because he's a teacher he can be a tight ass and it doesn't matter what the fucking students think because he's on the pedestal and we're not so why the fuck should he care if he fucks with a student's gpa? to quote the exact bullshit he said:

~You also must not assume that teachers "round up" all of their grade totals. I have a hard time giving students the benefit of the "round up" if their behavior doesn't constitute that consideration. Keep in mind the incident in the middle of the year when you decided that opening up a condom and throwing it on my classroom floor for all to see was appropriate. I don't think that kind of behavior is necessary and certainly doesn't make me feel too "considerate". The bottom line is that your final grade in composition was a 93.3%. On my grading scale, this grade is a B+. A B+ is a very good grade and nothing to be ashamed of.~

first of all, the condom bullshit. a couple students found a fuckin condom on his classroom floor. they were freakin out about it like a bunch of third grade pansies that found a depiction of male genitals carved into the slide at the elementary school playground. i went over to it, picked it up, opened it and decided to pull a prank on one of the pansies freakin out about it. i walked up to him and and poked him in the ear. he ended up with the condom, threw it back on the floor, bitched pissed and moaned for a few and then the bell rang. we left. ten minutes later i'm called into his classroom to pick it up. apparently i was blamed for its appearance even though i (1) didn't bring the damn thing and (2) wasn't the first to find the fuckin thing. i was blamed because i was the only one who was fuckin mature enough to take the damn thing for what it was. it was a fucking piece of lubricated rubber, unused, in a sealed wrapper. and maybe it was just a little bit my fault for picking on the pansies who showed just enough weakness to constitute pulling an otherwise immature stunt. but that doesn't constitute gault deliberately fucking with my GPA because of a personal opinion he has of my character. the fact of the matter is: i should be graded by my work. nothing more, nothing less. my work was done faster, more efficient and with more imagination than the majority of the class, if not everyone in the class. i am a unique writer and i fucking demand to have that acknowledged. he probably fuckin gave me those shitty paper grades because of the incident. proves to show that it doesnt fuckin matter how smart you are or how strong you are. ass kissing will get you everywhere in life. if you don't learn to kiss ass than you better have something else going for you. and you better be prepared to stand on your own two feet with little to nothing bracing you if you fall flat on your ass.

there was probably more, but i'm all ranted out for the night... and i do feel better... bunch of shit happening with my girlfriend that's been pissing me off... but i'll save that for another night. i think i can finally sleep for this night.

oh, i've disabled the allow comment button for this post. normally when i speak i just want to be heard, i don't want to be contradicted or have you play the devil's advocate and i sure as hell don't want to put up with you giving me a hard time. granted that you're probably only saying what you feel you need to say or want to say to get something off your chest; but i don't always want to take your burden for you. i try my best to be self-less and focus only on helping others and when i work so fucking hard at being a good person and still find people calling my acts selfish; it makes me sick and tired of trying. so for fucking once, i'm speaking for me. for once in fucking forever, i speak to get burden off my chest. i would like for someone to listen, but no one will listen without feeling they have to give me their input. i don't want their input. like i said, burden off my chest, not theirs. and come to think about it, is that really so fucking selfish?

and with that last burst of steam, i yawn. for i think that i'm finally ready for bed... hopefully...
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