Title:Never Tear Us Apart (Part 1/?)
Rating: PG for now, will be NC-17 in later chapters
Genre:Romance, AU!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Summary: Arthur and Eames have always been a little too close for comfort, but nobody ever told them it was wrong.
Author's Note: This chapter took me longer to write than it should of thanks to an unexpected case of the flu(I'm almost never sick, so being sick is always unexpected for me). I feel like this chapter is moving the story more backwards instead of forwards, and I apologize if you guys feel that way too. I promise that it is full speed ahead after this. Also, this chapter focuses a lot of some O.C.s (Arthur and Eames parents) and I just want to clarify that the only reason I did this was that they are going to play a role for the next few chapters, so I just decided to get their whole history out of the way so I won't rely so much on it later. I hope my reasoning makes sense. As always reviews/feedback/suggestions are more than appreciated. thanks :)
Prologue is here ~
Never Tear Us Apart (Part One)
Julianne McCoy was lucky enough to have two great loves in her life.
Henry Eames was a charmer; the kind of man who every girl dreamed would sweep them off their feet the moment they laid eyes on him. His gray eyes danced with life whenever he spoke in his seductively smooth British accent, and despite her usually clear head, Julianne couldn’t help but get caught up in his passion.
He was an art dealer, ten years her senior-thirty years old when they first met-which didn’t even faze Julianne, the young psychology major, who had come to London not only to study in one of the greatest cities in the world, but to break free of the bubble her overbearing Catholic mother was determined to trap her in. Henry was experienced and beautiful. He possessed a pair of luscious lips that formed the a wicked grin when he was being mischievous, and a adorable pout when he didn’t get his way; very much like a child.
When Henry asked her to marry him, barely six months after they started dating, it was in the middle of a crowded street with everybody watching as he got down on one knee, and presented her with a ring she knew he couldn’t afford. He reveled in making a big dramatic scene in every aspect of his life and Julianne sort of adore that about him; in another life he probably would have been a good actor.
They weren’t married long before Julianne found out she was pregnant. As terrified as she was to be a mother at twenty-one, they fear faded away when she held her son for the first time.
Marcus was a beautiful baby; the perfect mix of her and Henry with beautiful dark blonde hair, and lovely bluish gray eyes. Like, his father he commanded the attention of everybody around, whether it was through dramatic crying fits, or just by making adorable sounds, which anyone with heart couldn’t ignore.
“He is going to be a lady-killer one day.” Henry would say with shameless pride. “Just like his dear ol’ dad.”
For two years, the three of them made up a rather picturesque little family. Julianne continued to balance motherhood and her studies with a clear and focused head, while Henry continued his art dealings. They lived in a decent sized flat and bickered over stupid things like what to watch on T.V. and who was going to drop Marcus off at Henry’s sister’s place each morning.
In hindsight, Julianne knew they could have stayed like that forever; a simple life, with a man whom she loved dearly and who loved her return, along with their brilliant son whom they both adored, but life had other plans for them.
Maxwell Blanc came into Julianne’s life at the strangest time imaginable.
An up and coming young abstract painter from Seattle, Henry had introduced them at an art show that was displaying some of Max’s work.
He was quite and polite; nothing like Henry. His smiles were small, just a fleeting upwards movement of his thin lips, which vanished in the blink in the eye. He kept his conversations short, and never strayed off topic.
Julianne found Max to be quite boring and far too serious for a twenty-four year old, but his paintings where so complex and intelligent, that she could help, but admire him. When he talked about art over drinks with her and Henry, after the show, it was in a slow voice that was filled with intensity and passion that had been quite unexpected, and she found herself reevaluating her initial opinion of the man.
He was quite handsome, fitting the “tall, dark and handsome” bill. His doe brown eyes showed all the emotion that his facial expressions lacked, and when he took a sip of his scotch on the rocks and those eyes met her hazel ones, something in her chest seemed to drop into the pit of her stomach.
Of course she tried to ignore it. She was the wife of a good man, and the mother to an adorable son, but Henry’s interest in Max’s work caused the young man to be around a lot more than Julianne was comfortable with.
He and Henry got along famously, and he was genuinely fond of Marcus; never failing to bring him a nice toy or a treat whenever he came by the house. He always made an effort to complement Julianne, which she always figured was just pure politeness, and eventually she overcame the nervous feeling she got whenever he was in the room, and they became great friends.
She hoped it would be enough to have Max’s friendship. She would never hurt her son, or her marriage in order to satisfy her selfish desires, and she was certain that Max did not anything but friendship from her.
It took over a course of a year for Julianne to realize how life had a funny way of turning the tables on those who think they have everything figured out.
Her relationship with Henry started losing fire quickly, and it broke both of their hearts when they realized that perhaps their marriage was not going to work out as nicely as they anticipated.
Conversation started to lack the luster that once played a crucial role in their relationship. Julianne grew tired of Henry’s constant need for attention, and he turned to others for it. She was almost sure he wasn’t cheating on her, but that did not mean she was comfortable in his excessive flirting, or the fact that he was noticeably starting to hit the bottle more.
Her friendship with Max was growing more and more complicated as the months past. He listened to her woes with quite compassion and understanding; always looking her straight in the eye when she spoke, but that was all she got from him, and lord how she wished it was enough.
The bickering about what to watch on T.V. transformed into more intense fights about Henry’s late nights out, and the fact that Julianne seemed completely distracted all the time, not by the hard work she was doing on her degree, but rather by a pair of brown eyes.
In the end, they parted amicably, not just for Marcus’s sake, but because at one point they had loved each other with all they had, and there would always be in her heart for him. They had shared a child and shared a life together, which while brief, was a very important chapter in her life.
It would have been easy for her to tell people “It wasn’t meant to be” or “I was just too young” but Julianne wasn’t a liar; lying required too much commitment. The truth was she had loved two men. One of those men gave her two good years and a child. The other man however, gave her something she didn’t even know she needed: Time.
Max didn’t come around between the time of the Eames’ quick separation, and even quicker divorce, and Julianne wasn’t the only one who missed him.
Marcus had grown quite attached to Max, almost to a point where it made Henry jealous. The boy responded to the man’s quite warmth and gentleness, as well to the presents he brought over, which he would show off to everyone for days and days.
Julianne had been rather surprised at how good Max was with kids considering he had a tendency to shy away from people.
“I want my a few of my own someday.” He once said to her over coffee, with Marcus bouncing happily on his lap, and she couldn’t help bought think of what a good father he would make, and a good husband at that. Boy, did she envy the women who would be lucky enough to get him.
Marcus always asked about him during those months. He was constantly asking her when Max was coming over, and if he was going to bring him over the chocolate chip cookie he asked for, the last time Max came over.
She didn’t know quite how to answer him. Max had been friends with Henry first, so she assumed that he didn’t feel obligated to come by the flat anymore, now that they weren’t together, but when Max showed up at her door, three months after the divorce, with coffee in one hand and chocolate chip cookie in the other she was relived to find that wasn’t the case.
“I’m sorry I didn’t stop by sooner.” He said in his quite, yet deep voice; those brown orbs of his filled with an emotion that she prayed were for her. “I just thought you needed some space.”
There wasn’t much that needed to be said after that. He was back in her life, and at that moment it was enough.
Maxwell and Julianne were married less than two years later in a small London ceremony.
Henry had been there; 8 month sober and seeing a lovely woman named Alice who was closer in age, and had a tighter hold on him than Julianne ever could. He was genuinely happy for the two of them, and remained a constant presence in their life.
When Max was offered a teaching position in the art department at the University of Washington, it wasn’t a question of whether or not he would take it; there was no doubt he was going to take the job. The problem was that Julianne didn’t think she had it in her to separate Marcus from his father. She loved them both too much to put them through that.
Henry was the one who came up with the ultimate solution. Marcus would live with Max and Julianne in Seattle, and spend his summers and holidays with Henry in London when he was old enough to fly by himself. Julianne knew that this would be hard for Henry, but was grateful for his cooperation in the situation, especially when she found out that she was pregnant again.
Never having had siblings of her own, she couldn’t wait to give Marcus a brother or a sister. Max, who had his brother John-the hot shot criminal lawyer who had “accidently” grabbed her ass one too many times during their wedding reception-didn’t seem to understand her enthusiasm when it came to sibling relationships, but in his own happiness, he decided to go along with it.
Marcus seemed to understand what was going. He was five years old, and an exceptionally smart-if not a bit cheeky-child, who knew fully well what his mother meant when Julianne and Max told that him there was going to be a new baby around.
“I am going to have a brother,” the boy had chirped to one of flight attendants on the way to Seattle. “My mum says it might be a girl, but I know I am going to have brother.”
The attendant just smiled at his certainty, and handed him a bag pretzels, which he happily took.
Julianne could only hope that he wouldn’t be too disappointed if his prediction didn’t come true.
Four months after the move to Seattle, Arthur Maxwell Blanc came quietly into the world.
Named for Max’s father--who had succumbed to cancer a month before Julianne found out she was pregnant-Arthur was the spitting image of his father, from the shape of his nose to his unusually long fingers, as well as his dark hair and eyes; a sharp contrast to Marcus’s blonde hair and gray eyes , but he was gorgeous nonetheless.
Max, ever calm and collected held his newborn son in his arms; all of the love for Arthur reflected in those eyes of his. Her husband may not be one to show great emotion on the outside, but the way he looked at their son, like he was the most precious thing in the world, was a truly beautiful moment that she would always treasure.
The highlight of Arthur’s first day on earth-for her at least-was when both of her sons met for the first time.
Watching Marcus hold Arthur with so much delicacy and seeing the way they responded to each other brought tears to her eyes. When Arthur’s hand wrapped around Marcus’s finger, she knew that a close bond was already in the midst.
“What do you think, love?’ she asked her eldest son “Is he everything you dreamed he would be?
Wide eyed with wonder, Marcus smiled up at her and nodded.
“He is better,” the boy replied then focused back on his brother “he is real.”
Author's note:I totally stole that last line from "500 Days Of Summer." I couldn't help myself.
Part Two