Jun 16, 2006 10:49
Its kinda funny that I dont update this everyday like i use to.
Anyway, everythings going good. I'm so in love with Vince,beyond words. <310
I've been with Vince every day this week and its simply amazing, I love sleeping with him too.
He makes me so happy. =]
I'm hanging out with Chelsea today, because I havent seen her because I've been with Vince and drivers ed and all that =]
I got some really cute clothes at the mall the other day haha
My Birthdays in 2 weeks sweeeet 16
I'm going down the ocean with Allyson the 24th and coming home the 29th, so I'm here for my birthday, so that should be fun tooo.
Thats basically all that's been up.!
I really wanna go to the taking back sunday & Angles and Airwaves show in Julyyyy
well thats it.
<310 my everything =]