Before I'll fall asleep -

Feb 24, 2007 00:54

[mood |
pessimistic ]
[music | Bloc Party - Kreuzberg ]

I decided to write a new journal entry. The first since approx. 3 months. Yeah ,well long story short my internet broke down for like almost 2 months which got me really pissed off ,because those idiots couldn't find a problem.There's nothing wrong with their stuff and nothing wrong with our connection ,but still no we switched providers and now it's still not working how it should .Today ,for example it didn't work for like 3 or 4 hours and theres nothing I could have done about it. However to switch the subject and explain why exactly I'm pessimistic - I have to do this presentation ,well and I chose to do it in math and the thing is I don't know when I have to present it ,I asked my teacher if I could work on it over vacation and we're right in the weekend ,I haven't done anything really yet, cause I'm having problems with the whole thing and I'm just not really getting it .My teacher wanted this like sometime after vacation ,but we were done with the topic I got weeks ago and at that time I didn't even know what I would have to do. So,it technically doesn't really matter when I'll do the presentation ,cause it won't fit in anyway,right??That would buy me some time ,too...Oh and I also asked my brother ,but he's working a lot and when he comes home he's not really in the mood for math...
I could use a motivating speech???or just some nice words *smiles*
As you might have seen ,I changed my layout again and I made a new header ,I love it . It makes me think of the OC finale and I seriously had tears in my eyes the last 20 minutes or so.
Oh and there's a new link under the new header ,the readmymind_grfx one ,that's gonna be my new journal for graphics only. You can check out the layout but there's no post there yet. I'm still working on that ,since I have like 230 icons waiting to be uploaded and posted on my computer.
I hope I can do that this weekend or the next.
That would be it for today.Good n8!

journal; daily drama

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