(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 10:20

I haven't updated in an a short era.
I shall do so now.

Since being back from Carleton things have been no less than hectic.
I moved out from my parents house and have been living with Gabe in bordering Plateau and Gay Village for a little over 2 months now. I am totally immersed in the Frenchness of Montreal in my new neighbourhood. Josh just moved in with me. I never thought I'd actually conclusively commit to living with a boyfriend - especially after everything that happened between us. Hopefully it's for the best. It brings down my rent to only 150 a month. Man that's cheap as hell. Especially for a 5 1/2. Although that does still mean that Gabe is constantly up in my face. Ugh.
Other than that I've kind of been all over the place. Things with my family are going really well - we are actually getting along. My financial situation on the other hand however is a little tremulous. I'm 1000$ in debt.
My job is a pain in the ass. My base salary is 9$ and hour plus my bonus' I generally make between 14-16 dollars an hour on 36.25 hours a week - and that is still somehow not enough to survive. And I have to work damn hard to get those bonus'. I sell accident insurance. Who needs that anyways? Plus my baby Gilbert having to go to the vet and dropping 350$ doesn't help.

I've been clean for almost 2 months. I'm going to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting tonight.I've been given a chance to start my life over. I'm going to succeed this time.

I'm not going back to school this year, just working. So I am going to go to school next fall. I wish it could be sooner.
I'm planning on moving to the West Coast and go to the University of British Columbia. It's on the motherfucking ocean.
They have an amazing Bachelor of Social Work program. I hope I get in.

I know what I want to do with my life. I just have to figure out how to get there.
I need to leave Montreal though. I need a new place.

On another note, I can't wait for my friends from Down South to come grace me with their presence!
It has been forever.
I feel like such a bad friend - i barely stay in touch.
I have trouble even staying in touch with my friends in Montreal. I never seem to have the time or the energy to do anything these days.

Also, Josh moves back to California in December...
It seems every time I love someone, there has to be miles of space between us.
I don't know if it's going to work...

We'll see.

All I know is that i need to get away
I need to start over somewhere new
untainted by everythign that has happened.
where no one knows me
where i can me an impregnable force because i can recreated myself

we'll see
we'll see
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