Jan 10, 2006 21:58
Alrighty, first off, I have been reading my Bible every night for a while now and usually get through around 3 to 5 chapters in a night. I am in the Old Testament so of course it varies with the Chapter lengths (cuz some of them chapters are xtremely long). I have been reading through and its so awesome hearing about God's love in the Old Testament. You have to look at the whole picture to see its true beauty. Over and over we see in the Old Testament God's people constantly wandering off (heh, reminds me of these times a bit) and as they got farther away God would have to punish them more. But God would never wipe them away and would always send them someone to try and bring them back to them. No matter what happened God still loved His people so much and they did come back to Him on more than one occassion even after their cities were taken over and even destroyed. Back then in the Old Testament they of course had to give sacrifices to God so they could repent of their sins. God loved His people so much that He decided to give up the ultimate sacrifice by coming down to this earth which was already wandering pretty badly again and give up His life so that all could be saved. What such great love God has for us. I think about this love so much and it only makes me want to read the Bible more and pray to Him more because its the least I can do after what He gave up for me. I love God with a passion I have never felt for anything. I have a passion to preach for Him one day as a youth minister and after that hopefully a full-time minister. The love of God knows no bounds, and in this thought is where my heart and very soul reside because I know there it will always be safe. Thank you Jesus, I will always praise your name.