I’m thinking of making a photo gallery. I used to run a picture of the day blog in correspondence with Yoshi's old site. When that site expired so did the photoblog. Apparently, however, my parents enjoyed having the opportunity to see said photos. I am reluctant to give them my livejournal address, which is where I post all of my photos now, because I don’t want to have to censor my journal. The photo gallery could also serve as an area which stores an easily achievable version of some of my photos. What would be ideal is a set up such as at
Pbase. Here you can separate images into folders which show up as thumbnails and expand to large images. Each image can have a comment and each gallery can have a comment as well as exif data. Furthermore each gallery and photo allows for user comments. The thing is that I really don’t want to pay for something that I'm only gonna sorta use on the side.
Thus, I went on a search for sites which will host images for me for free. I wanted something which would provide me with a lot of space and the ability to organize photos into separate folders (Otherwise I feel the site would become rather chaotic as a result of the vastly varying subject matter.
Flickr seemed to prove the most promising out of all of the photo hosting sites I found, but only allowed its free users three folders to put things into. This once again proved to not allow for the organization I wanted.
I then decied that I might be able to just build my own gallery and host it somewhere. I first looked to Photoshop’s automating gallery options, but was disappointed because just like most other photo galleries, it was not possible to organize photos into separate folders or individual galleries. I did manage to find some other gallery creating software which involves a lot more work (and hand scripting), but allows for a lot more (not all) of the customization I want. That of course brought me to the issue of finding free web hosting. Let me tell you, finding web hosting that provides a domain, no ads, and sufficient space for a photo gallery is not easy. I did manage to find one that seems promising, but I have to go through some kind of approval process before I can use it. If I get the space, I'll be sure to recommend the webhoster. Until then Ill have a lot of organizing and photo editing to do, but I'll keep you posted.
If any of you have experience with any of this or suggestions for services, let me know.