
Sep 08, 2010 20:42

Dear God,

Okay... I don't know if what You're giving me are signs because honestly, Lord God, if they are, they're kinda vague. It just isn't clear at all. God, You know I'm reklamador. And You also know that I'm cautious and a skeptic (that's why I never get carried away with the bolas boleros tell). What I'm asking You is basically this, a more direct sign. Tipong straight-to-the-point thing.

That's it for now.
I am doing my best to read passages from the bible every night.
I would actually want a Good News Bible or the Tagalog, Biblia. I lost my dad's Biblia in school years ago, You know that, and I was really sorry for it. It was my mistake and carelessness that led to it. Buuut yes...

1. Biblia
2. Rosario

2 things I would want on my 22nd birthday.

A good book to read will be a bonus! But the first two are my priority.
(I always wear my rosary bracelets, Sor Cristina (2 crystal ones) and Adrian (wooden) gave to me.)
But I am wishing for a rosary. I have forgotten to pray it (I'm sorry Mama Mary, I know it's your birthday), I'm going to try to pray it at least once a week for a start.

That's it God,
You and me... We've gone through a lot. I have been straying away and then coming back to you all the time, like that Prodigal Son. But You... You have always been there, always welcoming me back.

I used to say Jesus and me are as TIGHT as super-glue maybe even more, when I talk in front of the youth during camps. God, my relationship with him has become brittle. Can You help me fix that as well? Super THANKS!!

Also, the sign Lord God? =D
Please make it more clear and direct this time.


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