Jul 04, 2003 22:30
today wasnt a long day but wasnt short either..
Shance and I woke up early cause I had to work at 11 and went grocery shopping. SHIBBY... we did really good today.. we were under budget which is always a plus.
we got back here around 10 , unpacked the groceries and change my clothes, brush my teeth and get ready for work. then it was 10:30 and it was time for me to head out to work.. it takes me bout 7-9 mins to get there ( if the trafic isnt heavy).... (and I speed) so anyways I get there about 10:45 and find out I didnt need to be there till 11:30 so I puttered round the mall for a bit, got my Sprite Ice and a pack of gum and headed to work.. I love work so much.. I never get board and alwyas have something to do.. even if standing around for a few mins is my task.. HAHA... I love helping peopel find what they need and maybe even sugest something a litle different.. I had so much fun with one customer today. She was looking for some clothes for work.. she had picked out a few things and then asked for something that was different.. so I used my keen sence of fashion and picked out a nice red blouse (the kind with only one sleve) she wasnt to sure about the colour, but decided to try in anyways... She ended up loving it and thanked mt for getting her to try it, she exclamed that she usually stuck to the nutural colours, browns, blacks and some whites, but this was totalyl different, and loved it.. I agreed , it looked amazing on her, brought some colour to her face and her eyes and hung perfect on her.. giving her a great look..
anyways.. Like i was saying work is fun..
I also picked up my shorts that I ordered in like 3 WEEKS AGO... I almost lost them, someoen was gonna buy them, but decided against them.. so I picked them up today.. I mena hey with my 50% discount it was a wicked buy.. I neded up paying 19.00 for a 40.00 pair of shorts.. SHIBBY.. haha
when I got of work , I ran through the mall and picked up a special gift for Shance (I love you BABY) I got him a rose, and littel stuffed Stitch wearing a hawaiian shirt and a card.. hehe he hates getting gifts, but I love him and couldnt help myself.. hes my man, so I gotta spoil him sometimes DUH..
then we got ready and went to the gym, 6-8:30 i got a wicked work out.. Im still trying to recuiperate for the muscle I pulled in ym elbow It fucking hurts, if I do to much.. so when it starts to realyl hurt I know its been enough...
we had our shows and decided to head to Walmart to get some Laundry detergent... looked around a bit then came home.. Shance also pulled a muscle in his foot the other day, Canada actually, we did a lot of walking and he didnt have any arch support in his sandles... my poor man.. and his foot was hurtting..
and now were sitting here watching "while you were out" and having a snack..
I dont work till 3 tomorow.. so I can catch my cartoons (SHIBBY) and enjoy a bit of the day..
anyways Im out for now.. Later Peeps..
nate out