gah, worst week ever

Oct 03, 2008 15:58

I met a strange person on Tuesday and also hung out with him on Wednesday. That's another story for when I feel like writing about it.

I took Clare to the airport this morning. Did I mention that she's leaving me in January to move to San Francisco? Afterward, I came home and took a nap. I woke up just in time to miss the bus that would have got me to class on time, so I went to take my car to campus. Turns out I had left the lights on when I got home this morning; the battery was dead. I caught the next bus and got to class just a little late. No harm, really. But now I can't go anywhere till someone comes to jump my car.

Walter just informed me that he's met a girl and gone mono. I knew I shouldn't have invested so much emotion in him. He just kept giving back; I thought he was for real. Apparently not. :'(

This has brought up the old feelings of: Sure, people like me, and there are those who want to have sex with me, but I'm no one's first choice. Everyone I'm interested in with any mutual feeling already has a primary (or primaries) or at least someone in whom they're more invested than me. Also, most of them are far away. And it seems like people keep going mono on me. Over-emotional, non-rational interpretation of this: I'm not good enough to keep someone interested in being with me. I'm fun for a while, but something about me doesn't say long-term relationship.

I need a shoulder to cry on and some arms to hug me and I don't have any.

boys, polyamory, angst

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