Jan 06, 2005 16:19

No one has been commenting which some what depresses me a bit...Not really i have better things to worry about! Ok well who ever actully reads this piece of poop of a journal here is what has been happening since my last entry

* Took my moms car got into a accident and have to go to court and pay too many fines
*Tried to get a job but they havent called me back
*Got an extra day of alternative schoo added on because i didnt use my "positive words"
*Uhh grounded for life
*And skipped school today
* my mom thinks im out of control which makes things alot shittier!

Thats about it! try to beat that if you can tell me and ill be impressed!

Well actully all that going on im actully not as depressed as i should be because i mean i think im just in shock over it all i never thought id be that kid that other moms talk about and saying "Wow im glad thats not my kid" yeah well we cant choose our lives!

So on the brighter side ive become very dedicated to jogging/running which is really weird i mean i went jogging today and its like friggan cold ourtside i mean i did have to pay the price of it i mean everytime i take a deap breath now it hurts but oh well what i wont do!?!?!?

Hows everyone elses life been? I mean ive been pretty focused on helping my best friend (tree) through alot of stuff that i havent botherd to actully care about anyone elses soo if you need some advice or something to look foward to IM me and ill try to help ya out!

Well im grounded for about....Uhh ever so if you want to amuse me please do but for now im out!!!!!!!!! <3 Always Brittney
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