Apr 06, 2006 16:16
ever since i moved in to La ive known the route of bus 1 by hart. a few weeks ago i noticed "buffé, sushi" outside on the sign pf asia palace. yesterday i went to book more driving lessons and i decided to try it out.. 62kr (around 5 pounds) i got: sushi, eat all ya want! and also thai buffé and chinese =9 bet i was happy! now i just cant wait to get my friends and the lad ove rthere... since if you don't like sushi, you can have thai and chinese my mates loves that) and i get to eat all sushi i want for no big deal of a price =)
I'm happy!!
btw perry got an appointment booked on 11th since they found it no big deal.. *yeah sure' and he still has chestpains but if the doc on the phone said he's fine, then he must be??
also: i had my 3rd drviing lesson today =) i had another teacher and it went great.. now i got a hung of it =) also took highway