Take the quiz:
"What Star Wars Character Are You?"
Obi-Wan Kenobi
You are a level headed person who uses the Force to compliment your natural talent
Ha ha, I'm really happy right now! ^_^ Like... sooooooooooo happy! ^____________________________________^
Get ahold of this: Steffy has a girlfriend!!
Hee hee, and she absolutely ADORES [Johnny slut] and everyone here knows how much I loooooooooove [Johnny]!! :)
What's weird though, is that she and I are both moving to the same neighborhood across town. Daaamn, we're meant to be! :)
Kat:: steffany
Me:: hee hee, yeeesh??
Kat:: I like you
Me:: i like ya too *bats eyelashes*
Kat:: ok
Kat:: Will
Kat:: you
Kat:: go
Kat:: out
Kat:: with
Kat:: me?
Me:: who me?? ^________^
Kat:: yesh you :D
Me:: hee hee, ok
Kat:: yay!
Well, that's my update for today. Must run off to clean the bathroom >___>;;
[A Merry Christmas To You Too LOSER!]