I'm afraid Bakura and I might get into a fight. We don't even talk. Much. I'm worried. Do I harbor some kind of violent feelings that I'm unaware about if I would fight with him? Is my behavior going to change? I hope not. I'm going to try and refrain from arguing with him unless I have good reason to... And here I thought everything was going smoothly as of late.
Oh, this is my first post in my journal too! I wouldn't even know where to start. I am sick, and now I think there might be some people chasing after me to give me an exocisim? I'm really worried now, did I do something wrong?!! That hasn't happened before. I honestly don't remember most of this morning, because when I woke up, and there was -- uhh-- anyway, it's really not a big deal, can't we have a normal day of holiday cheer go on? Please????
I really miss when things were simple... But that was so many years ago.
I would really like it if we had a white christmas. And eggnog, a christmas tree, adn people could be happy. I really do.
Dear Amane,
I was hoping I might have a normal christmas for once. Or a good one at least. I don't think it's going to happen again. I really wish it would.
What is this?! A cut? Why suddenly showing compassion?!!!
I am still wretchedly ill. Ryou keeps wanting to visit a doctor. Ha! So now that I'm ill he's going to pretend he actually cares what happens to the spirit who has been successfully ruining his life for the past few years?
When I asked (through leaving a message on a piece of paper since I'd rather -not- talk to his face) him if he had school to go back to he dumped this massive load of papers on me. What in the name of the Gods is that supposed to mean?! I'm sure that this is supposed to mean something. Ryou might not seem like it but he really does have a very twisted sense of humor!
...I guess I'll just stare out the window...drink my fluids...and watch that idiot bird try to fly through the slush. Moron.
Oh yes...and plot ways to make my host's life even more miserable for giving me such a hard time.
Oh. But I do have a friend now. Someone who cares about me; her name is Sakura. And she's going to help me.
Does anyone know if the Ghostbusters are around?
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